Validity of the offer:
The validity of the offer is 15 days from the date of issue.
1. Order method
To accept the offer, you must:
a) Return this offer, stamped and countersigned for acceptance by those who have signature powers. Verbal orders and orders sent by
e-mail with text only (without attachment) will be not accepted.
b) Down payment, where applicable. Please always send the payment accountant to the email .
2. Supply conditions
a) VAT:
– For Italy the VAT must be added to the prices;
– For orders abroad, depending on the Country.
b) Unless otherwise indicated on the offer, the standard payment conditions are 50% on account and the balance by BB within 30 days end
of month.
c) The processing of this activity is subject to the fulfillment of the obligations arising from previous contracts. In the event that the Customer does not fulfill the obligations referred to in the previous point, any advance payments made to initiate the processing of this order will be considered, as a preliminary, as sums to satisfy the amounts of the previous orders and in a subordinate way as an advance of this.
d) If the amount of the contract changes during the activity, an extra charge can be requested.
3. Invoicing on work in progress
In cases where the activity has a significant duration (over 1 calendar month), a monthly progress invoice may be issued.
4. Any additional charges
In the event that JFG Composites has to carry out customs clearance on behalf of the Customer, the amount referred to the customs taxes
(duties, etc.) will be charged to the Customer.
Any additional charges relating to the production of administrative documentation (e.g. tax residence certificate against double taxation,
anti-mafia, criminal records, various certificates) will be charged according to the costs incurred.
5. Limitation of liability and charges
a) With the exception of the case of slight negligence, JFG Composites is not responsible for any loss or damage to property, in any way caused by the activities carried out, tests or other services provided.
b) In the case of slight negligence attributable to its employees or collaborators in the performance of the services, any loss or damage for which JFG Composites can be held responsible, will be limited to the amount of the contract amount with a maximum of 5,000.00 Euros.
c) The customer agrees to handle any claim for compensation from third parties exclusively, and to hold JFG Composites harmless from the consequences of the activity envisaged in the contract.
6. General conditions of sale
For what not mentioned above apply our. “General conditions of sale” listed below:
a) Services not provided for in the contract: For services not included in the offer / contract, but necessary during the production process, a
separate offer will be made or the current price list will be applied.
b) Intellectual property: Unless otherwise agreed, the intellectual property deriving from this offer, production or any other activity arising from this offer, will always result exclusively from JFG Composites Sp. z 0.0.
7. Privacy, professional secrecy, confidentiality
All the data collected will be used by JFG Composites Sp. z 0.0 or by personnel designated by the same and duly trained in the security of
personal data and the right to privacy, to carry out the required activities, in order to guarantee the efficiency of the service, as well as for
statistical purposes, regulated in compliance with European laws.
JFG Composites maintains the strictest confidentiality on the information obtained during the performance of the activities, both by employees and non-employees, however operating on behalf of the Institute. If JFG Composites is required by law or authorized by contractual agreements to disclose confidential information, the customer will be notified of the information provided, unless this is prohibited by law. Any information provided to the Accreditation / Notification / Authorization Bodies during their regular verification activities is already considered authorized.